Professional Lawn Service - More than a truck and trailer

There was a time when a professional lawn service was performed by an actual landscape professional. These landscape companies were founded on solid principles and the work was performed by trained landscape professionals who made sure that their clients received a high level of quality and service. As a result, they were paid fairly for the work they performed which allowed them to develop a strong business infrastructure, utilize high-quality landscape equipment and provide a competitive wage for their trained and skilled employees. The current state of the landscape industry is much different now. The recent downturn in the economy has had a devastating effect on the quality of professional lawn service companies and the landscape industry as a whole. This is happening for a number of reasons.
Price - The recent economy has slashed the budgets of many homes and businesses. This has forced existing professional lawn service companies to drastically cut their prices in an effort to maintain their current client base. Additionally, increases in operating costs begin to erode the profitability of performing landscape services. How does a professional lawn service correct this issue? They find new landscape clients, of course! But the economy has other ideas…
Competition - Historically, professional lawn service companies compete with other landscape companies of similar size and scope. The current economy has affected businesses across all industries and has resulted in some of the highest nationwide unemployment experienced in our country’s history. In a roundabout way, this has affected the landscape industry dramatically. There has been an explosion of what has been referred to as “truck and trailer” lawn service companies. These are typically unemployed individuals (with little to no professional landscape experience) who purchased a lawn mower, a truck and a trailer. They make up a fancy landscape name and instantly become a “professional lawn service”. With little to no overhead, these newly formed landscape companies are now competing for the same jobs as established professional lawn service companies at a fraction of the price. More competition…lower prices…how can this be a bad thing?!

Quality - This is one of those instances where too much competition is bad for the consumer. The “truck and trailer” landscape companies are typically producing high-volume, low-quality lawn service work. Maintaining a commercial or residential landscape is a more detailed and involved process than what the typical homeowner will perform on their personal property. At this point, an unfortunate chain of events begins to unfold for the established professional lawn service companies. Landscape budgets are cut requiring crews to perform more jobs in less time which in turn compromises quality. Highly trained employees (read: higher wages) are replaced with crew members that have little to no landscape experience and are satisfied with a lower salary. High-quality landscape equipment and lawn service processes are replaced with inexpensive and disposable alternatives.
So what is the result of this shift in the landscape industry? Commercial and residential clients are demanding (and getting) the low prices that they seek to balance their own dwindling landscape budgets. The established professional lawn service companies are reducing quality and increasing production to meet those needs. The truck and trailer lawn service companies are producing low-quality landscape work at ever-lower prices. The old adage “you get what you pay for” is rapidly becoming a reality in the professional lawn service industry. Ironically, the very consumers who are clamoring for cheaper prices are the ones who face the future costs of replacing expensive landscapes that will inevitably be damaged by poor service.
There is hope for the professional landscape industry. The abundance of information on the internet and the popularity of renovation reality shows are introducing a new breed of smart, educated consumers. These consumers understand that quality work is not only beautiful, but it saves money in the long run. This consumer-driven revolution will drive the landscape industry to excel and will shine a spotlight on high-quality landscape vendors. The result of this revolution will be highly educated consumers who are being serviced by professional landscape vendors with a profound appreciation for the landscapes that they service…and the world around us will become a very beautiful place indeed.